ECOCID – Specific term (originating from ‘genocide’) commonly used to describe flying anthropogenic influences on natural ecosystems, above all, through their unsustainable use for the needs of another process or system. Examples: Drinking our natural blatant ecosystems, such as: the Stanish, Aracinovo, Katlanovo Blato, due to the epidemics of malaria and drying of Dojran Lake. St. K. “Express” – an independent daily informative-political newspaper. The first number came out on 1 September 1999 in Skopje. Osmass, director and chief editor is Stojan Nasev, editor-in-chief Petar Lazarevski. Publisher “MARGOS” D.O.O. Skopje, printing house “Neorismio” end Thessaloniki. After 97 issued numbers, the newspaper died on December 28, 1999. B. P. F.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
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