Duracovski, Dimitrie (Struga, 15. 1952) – short story writer. He finished school for applied art in Skopje. Works as an art associate in the National Museum in Struga. He is a member of the Macedonian DPM since 1989. BIB.: Secret history, short stories, SK., 1986; Black prophets, novel, SK., 2002. P. Gil. Nikola Durnev Durnev, Nikola (Skopje, 17. ⅻ 1936) – City. Ing., order. Prof. At the Faculty of Civil Engineering in Skopje (since 1990), the subjects exploitation of water forces, hydrotechnical facilities and water management systems. He finished graduate studies at the International Institute of Hydro Fotory in Delft, the Netherlands. Through “Hydroelectroectroject”, where he worked until 1970. And through the faculty, he participated in the realization of significant hydrotechnical objects (HC “Spilje”, etc.). L. T.
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Кириличен напис ДУРАЦОВСКИ, Димитрие