GODALLY, Nikola (Kocani, 12. 1914 – Skopje, 1997) – Lawyer, Public Prosecutor of the NRM and MP. Faculty of Law ended in Belgrade (1940). Member of ASNOM and NOO organizer in Kocani (1944). People’s MP in the Constitent Assembly of NRM from Kocanska Borough, a member of the Constitution for the Constitution of the Constitution of the NRM since 1946. and public prosecutor of the NRM (1946-1948). Then he was sent to bare swelling as an inforce. Due.: The Public Prosecutor’s Office in the Republic of Macedonia, Skopje, 2000. St. w. Tanas Detjinovski
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ВРАЖАЛСКИ, Никола