Domurjanov, Nicholas

Domurjanov, Nikola (village Sarakinovo, Vodenskin, Greece, 8. 1937) – Full professor at the Mining and Geology Faculty of Stip. He graduated Geology at Masariko University – Brno, Czech Republic (1960), and received his PhD at the Mining and Geological Faculty – Belgrade (1980). Pedagogical activity at the Faculty served from 1979 to 2001, when he retired, and in the period 1989-93 he was Dean. In the field of scientific activity, he devoted his working life to regional geological and tectonic studies and petrological examinations, areas in which he has realized numerous projects in Macedonia and abroad. These are: Preparation of the basic geological map of the SFRY, 1: 100,000, sheets: Stip, Krusevo, Ohrid and Podbodec, Whitolista and Kajmakchalan; Development of dedicated maps for iron margins in Macedonia; Making Neotectonic and Seemotectone Card of Tunisia, etc. BIB.: N. Domurjanov, the petrogenetic characteristics of the high-story and magmatic rocks of the central and western parts of Seleer Mountain SR Macedonia, “Geology Makedonija”, t. Ⅱ, Stip, 1985; – Structural Geology (UNIV. Textbook), 1999; N. Domurdain, T. Serafimovski, C. B. Burzhphiel, Evolution Off TePe Neogenne-Pleistocene Basins Off Macdomonia. Geologic Soc. Off American, DMC 001, 2004, P. And-ⅹⅹ,; N. Domurjanov, Mr. Petrov, geological mapping (universal textbook), 2005. N. Dum.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ДУМУРЏАНОВ, Никола

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