Dimitrovski, Dragan Strezov

Dimitrovski, Dragan Strezov (Skopje, 20. ⅻ 1934) – Mathematician, Order. Prof. (1982) on PMF. He graduated (1958), elected as an assistant (1960) and PhD (1968) of the PMF with the topic “Attachment to the theory of generalized analytical functions”. He is the author of a number of papers in the field of differential equations and complex functions and co-author of three monographs. For many years, he was editor of the newsletter of the DMF of the SRM and editor-in-chief of the Annual Proceedings of the Institute of Mathematics (1994-1997). He was PMF (1974-76) and head of the Institute of Mathematics (1993-1997). BIB.: M. Mijatovic, D. Dimitrovski and V. Veselinovic, geometry troens of ideal Nonnimiging Concentrators, Skopje, 1994; D. Dimitrovski, J. Mitevska, B. Ilievski, M. Rayovic, equations Vecku with analytical coefficients, Skopje, 1997; D. Dimitrovski, J. Mitevska, the number is the universal constant of nature, Skopje, 1998. Lit.: PMF 1946-2006, Monograph, Skopje, 2006; Buy no. 505 / ’88. N. C.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ДИМИТРОВСКИ, Драган Стрезов

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