DIBEK -. Necropolis with tombs from the Hellenistic period in the village. Suvodol, 20 km east of Bitola. Three tombs are divided into stone, with drosomos, atrium and chamber. It was concluded that the explored tombs are similar to each other, with small concessions in the dimensions of the drums and chambers, as well as in the solution of the arrest of chambers. The tombs are not opened and plundered and preserved intact all the material (ceramic vessels and a terracotta bust of the goddess Aphrodite). In the grave chamber 1 is found a grave pit, and in the other two tombs the remains of the burned deceased were placed on the floor. Dated in the second half of ⅱ c. BC The gromone tombs, the atrium and chamber are characteristic of the eastern edge of the Pelagonian plain in its medium and northern part, which is confirmed by the findings of the villages Suvodol, Bonce and Gorno Village. Lit.: F. MESSEL, YES Tomb Code Villages Subdodola, “GSD”, ⅹⅳ, Skopje, 1935, 201; T. Janakievski, three earlyo tomb in Stena from Locke. “DIBEK” s. Suvodol-Bitola, “Macus. Acta Arzhaeol. “, 13, Skopje, 1993, 149-161. K. CEP.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
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