Davchev, Dancho.

Davchev, Danco (Skopje, 9. ⅳ 1949) – Order. Prof. Following Informatics of ETF in Skopje and Head of the Center for Distance Education. He graduated from the ETF in Belgrade (1972), with the title of Ingeur, acquired the University of Orseay, Paris (1975), while PhD in ETF in Belgrade (1981). He stayed at the University of California, San Diego (USA) in 1984/85. His study “A” Dzinomitz Winning Scyce Inn Distribution Cziance “is presented in IEE trans. UN Software Engineering (1989). He published the book “Multimedia Them.” He has published more than 150 papers at conferences and magazines. Dr. M. Penco Davcev

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ДАВЧЕВ, Данчо

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