
Cyrillic – Slavic letter called Honor of St. Cyril, although he does not compose the younger Cyrillic, but the oldest Slavic scripture – the Glagolitic. In the oldest period of Slavic literacy (ⅹ-Xi c.) Cyrillic is used in parallel with the Glagolitic. It is assumed that official introduction of the Cyrillic was carried out at the Church of the Church of the Council in Presusal in 893. And that the new alphabet has SOS Slavic Cyrillic – from the icon of Dicho Zografa reported Konstantin Prev. It is widely accepted in the yard of Emperor Simeon (893-927), while in Macedonian literacy it is stamped gradually, because in the most authoritative Macedonian cultural center, the Ohrid, a long dominated by the Glagolitic, introduced and groomed by St. Clement and St. Naum. The Old Cyrillic is imposed as a dominant letter of Macedonian literacy even from ⅻ c. onward. The Cyrillic is based on the Byzantine’s proportion letter supplemented with signs specific to the Slavic language, taken mainly from the Glagolitic and appropriate manner adapted. Basic repertoire of the letters is the following: a (1), b, c (2), d (3), e (4), is (5), ‘, J (6), I (7), and (8) , j (10), K (20), L (30), H (40), O (50), N (800), P (80), R (100), C (200), T (300) , OU (400), F (500), x (600), C (900), = (90), ш, 7, 7S, 6, 5, ©, §, ¨, 3 (900), « , 4, ¬, K (60), P (700), L (9), U (400). Separate letters may have multiple drafts, for example, besides the OU it is used 8, besides the J have and / s etc. Each letter had its name: AZ7, Bowk7S, V5D5, verbs, well, EST7, ‘IV5, J5Ol ​​… From the first two names, the word alphabet marking the Cyrillic alphabet is originally. Names of the letters are noted in old abecdaries, of which the most famous are the so-called. Bulgarian or Casts Verlian Abecdetar from XI-ⅻ c. and the so-called. Munich Verbes-Cyrillic Abecdear from ⅻ c. Bookdown signs, except for writing votes, served for writing numbers (the numeric value is stated in brackets). The Old Cyrillic is the basis of contemporary Cyrillic (Russian, Ukrainian, Belarusian, Serbian, Bulgarian, Macedonian). Macedonian Cyrillic was declared an official letter in Macedonia on May 3, 1945. It contains 31 sign: A, B, V, D, F, E, J, Z, I, , At, U, F, X, C, Ch, J, Sh. And, B, B c, in G, G, D, G, is J, NUM, O, O, P, P, R, T, T,, I, not, F, F X, X C, C, h, h, J.,,,,, .: (choice) P. A. Lavrov, Paleographs of Billovslovsky Visi, õcyclopedia Slavyhanko philosque, 4, 1. S-Petersburg, 1914; E. F. Kararius, Slavyanska Kirilovskaya Paleography, Leningrad, 1928; N. N. Durnovo, MCLI and Principled Ostaroslavo-ЯИСК And Slavianh Alfavitov, “BDZantinoslavica”, 1, 1929, 48-85; The same, is Osteus of Ostaroslavo-Яз and sideline, “BDZantinoslavica”, 3, 1931, 68-78; D. A. Iljinski, GD, Kogda, KEM and C as Periïó Glagola B meter replacement Cyrilicay?, “BDZantulica”, 3, 1931, 79-88; P. HR. Ilievski, the emergence and development of the letter. With particular reference to the beginnings of Slavic literacy, Skopje 20011, 20062. ZD. R. Risto Kirjazovski.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис КИРИЛИЦА

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