Currant (Ribes L., FAMI. Sagiferaceae) – Rod with about 150 species, mainly deciduous shrubs from the northern hemisphere, with lull and serrated leaves, hermaphrodite or single-pole blossoms single or in currant clusters. The fruit is multiplied, juicy bobk. In the Republic of Macedonia are naturally represented: R. Grosity L. (gooseberries), R. Alpinum L. (mountain currant), R. Multiflor whale. and R. Perryaum Newlf. It is a yard culture. The highest quality is the black currant, with over 200 mg% vitamin S. Red currant is betrayed. There is also a golden currant, which is the most painful and can be used for highly grafting other currants and the googue. B. R.; Al. And. Erol Rizaov.
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