Cuba, Ludwig

Cuba, Ludwig (stipriv, Czech Republic, 16. 1863 – Prague, 30. Xi 1956) – Folklorist, musicologist and painter. A great passion and life determination was to travel in Slavic countries and to study their folk songs and instruments. Its capital officer is “Slovenant SDSC Svevovo” in 15 volumes. It is particularly important for Macedonia, its gathering activity published in ⅹⅳ Tom “writes of Macedonians” (1929). He is the first ethnomusicologist, which in his analyzes of the Macedonian folk song clearly pointed to the influence of the Oriental and Western European current. He expressed his admiration from the Macedonian song with the famous sentence: “She is a wonderful mosaic of a very effective marble.” BIB.: Ludwick Cuba, Slovenant, Wait ⅹⅳ, dil. PPPs Jihosovanca – Q

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис КУБА, Лудвиг

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