Createes – all kinds of Family Fabaceae, except alfalfa. Statistics in our republic lead them as covers, which is wrong. Creators are just the types of gender trifolium. In the Republic of Macedonia are grown at about 2,000 ha, with an average yield of about 3,000 kg / ha hay. Significant species of the perennial are: Red clover (TRIFOLIUM ONENSE L.); Be-La Clover (Trifolium Repentee L.); Mountain clover (trifolium Strawla clover Montanum L.); Strawen clover (trifolium fragifum L.); etc., and from one year: Persian clover (trifolium resupinatum L.); Yellow clover (trifolium pathers L.); Underground clover (trifolium subtranum L.) and many others. Significant are both beekeeping (honey). P. Iv.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
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