Crater (Kratros) (OK 370 – Asia Minor, 321 eg.) – Macedonian military leader, a close associate and participant in all major battles of Alexander ⅲ Macedonian. Did not accept the Persian way of dress and a customary life. As especially trusted by his king, he was entrusted with the task of returning the homeland 10,000 Macedonian war veterans and to take from the Antipatian governance of the European parts of the empire (324 eg.). After the death of Aleksandar ⅲ Macedonian, he performed the highest duties in the country, and participated in the fighting between the diaados (321 eg.). He decided on the side of the Antipato coalition, Ptolemaj, Antigon and Lassimah against Perdika and Eugend. He died in the fight against Eumen in Cappadocia. When IMEN learned about his death, he arrived a worthy funeral, and his ashes sent him to Macedonia. An arriano, Anabasis, Lipsia, 1907; L. CUR-Rufi, Historiaum Alejandri Magnia Macedonis, Lipsiae, 1893; Diodors, Biblehead Historica, Leithzig, 1896; Plutarzhi, Vitala Parallele, Lipsia, 1921. Lit.: F. Papazoglu, History of the Hellenistic period, Skopje, 1995. K. M.R.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис КРАТЕР