Copitaro Trip

Copitarov Trip – Cyrillic Post Rain 3 ⅹⅰⅰⅰ c., 72 l., Ljubljana NSC COD. Map. 9. Right-linguistic peculiarities confirm the northhist. Mac. origin. The records indicate a connection with the Preseva area with the most significant cult. The center – the monastery “St. Prohor Pchinjski “. The text belongs to the older editorial office of the trip, without paramies and with the whole evening for every day. Lit.: V. Moshin, Kopitardier Collection Slavensky Rocopisov In Zajov Cryren Fragment of the National Inn University Library in Lyubljani, Sazu, works, 25, Lyubljanna, 1971, 112 + (3) (description and recording); D. A. Iljinski, a cope tripï ⅹⅰⅰⅰ c., RFV, 1906, 199-215 (Orthograph. – gap. Peculiarities). ZD. R.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис КОПИТАРОВ ТРИОД

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