Constitution of the Secret Macedonian-Reeir Revolutionary Organization (1896) – prepared by Goce Delcev and Gjorce Petrov, determined by the decision of the first Congress of the Organization held in Thessaloniki (24. / 5. Ⅳ – 31. ⅳ / 12. Ⅳ 1896 ). After printing the constitution was sent to the seven revolutionary districts. The Constitution has 19 members, deployed in 4 heads: goal, composition, and tangible assets of the revolutionary organization and penalties. The organization has set a goal to construct the unity of “all dissatisfied elements in Macedonia and in Раринини, regardless of the people, for adoption through a revolution full of political autonomy for those two areas.” He published that it is struggling for the elimination of external propaganda, which created divisions …, that it acts for entering a revolutionary spirit and awareness …, to prepare a comprehensive armed waster who did not compromise … and is committed to being useful of a revolutionary liberation work. ” The constitution determined the symbols: the emblem and the flag of the organization. Lit.: Documents of the Macedonian people for autonomy and national state, 1, Skopje, 1981. M. Min. The FNRJ Constitution (1946)
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet