Co-operatives and associations – the oldest form of association of producers. First appeared from the middle of ⅹⅰⅹ c. in England. There are various forms of cooperatives: General, specialized, credit, land processing, etc. In our country, the cooperative ownership of the liberation, until the adoption of the Decree on Property Relations and for the reorganization of village work cooperatives (1953), was under the immediate impact of the Soviet legal theory and practice. With the Constitution of 1974 Come to the equalization of co-operative property with the social. The number of co-operative organizations in the Republic of Macedonia until 1990. It is around 200. With the process of privatization of social capital came to a drastic reduction in the number of cooperatives. At the local level there are 135 agricultural associations, organized in 19 regional and 7 national alliances. Since 2002 They are joined in Federation of Farmers from Macedonia (FFM). Dr. Gyosh.
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