
Chestnut -. (Kstanea Siva Mille. CC. The leaves are large, eleperate elongated, with a sharp peak, large serrated. The flowers are collected in lengthy and upright (honey) Reals, with females located at the base of the resat. Plate-chestnuts (chestnuts) have a dark brushed decoction, 1-3 wrapped in a barbed dome (Ecena). They contain a large amount of nutrients. The deposits of the chestnut in our country are on Belasica and Shar Planina. In recent decades, throughout the areal, the chestnut is seriously endangered by the disease cancer (ENDIHIA Parasitica). In the Republic of Macedonia it grows 500-1 1100 m NV. The Belasica descends up to 250 m N.V. There are lonely stems that give high yields in low areas. Product plantations with quality varieties and types that quickly propose and give regular and high yields. Al. And. – B. R. Lira Grabul: costumes for the play “Madame Butterfly” from Puccini (2005)

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис КОСТЕН

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