Buzarovski, Dimitrie.

Buzarovski, Dimitrie (Skopje, 8. 1952) – Composer, pianist and musicologist. Except as a composer, he also shows as a performer, musicologist, pedagogue. He is the author of several tens of compositions for different compositions; One of the first creators in Macedonia who have accepted and introduced modern technical achievements and aids in creation. Apart from being polystyelist, most of his works are written using digital technologies and represent the synthesis of the classical and electronic sound. B. He is a full professor at the FMU in Skopje, one of the rafters of the Macedonian Music Council and the Institute of Archiving and Is-Treatment of Music (Iram) at FMU in Skopje. B. ORT.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис БУЖАРОВСКИ, Димитрие

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