Buy, Ami

Buy, Ami, Ami) (Hamburg, Germany, 16. ⅲ 1794 – Volas, Austria, 21. Xi 1881) – French and European geologist. The Bue comes the first written geological data on the geological construction on the territory of Macedonia. In the period 1828-1870, within the framework of the geological studies of the European part of the Ottoman Imperiams, Bue also covered the terrain of Macedonia. In 1836 He visited the Zletovski Rudden, described the exploitation and metallurgical processing of lead-zinc ores. After multi-year trials, in 1840. He published the work “Geology of Macedonia” (Geology de la Macedoin, Bull. Soc. Geol. Freck, 11, Paris). N. Dum. Dimitrie Buzarovski

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис БУЕ, Ами

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