Butterfly, yellow

Butterfly, yellow (gownapter RHIT L.) – Daily butterfly. The name comes from the yellow (lemon) color of the wings in the male; Females are green-yellow colored. Is nourished with nectar. It encounters open terrains, meadows and fields. It appears in one generation from May to September. Widespread species is across Europe. In Macedonia, the species is very honored in the spring and known as a migrant. Lit.: Joseph Thurner, Diet Lepidopperfood Yugosljesh Mazedonneens. I. Runderults Acta. Mousse. Mac. SCI. Nat., Skopje, 1964; Lionel d. Higgins and Norman D. Riles, and Field Guide to Tekhy Butterflies of Britaine and Euroope, London and Veligon 1970; Paul Wrecker – Predrag Jaxitz, Yellow Butterzie Die Tagfalter Oun Yugoslianusch Mazedonen Dunrina (Rhutalocauca Ud Chiridere), Münzhen 1990. V. T. K. – M. Cr.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ПЕПЕРУГА, ЖОЛТА

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