Bulgarian-Greek Union (16/29. Ⅴ 1912) – The Union created by concluding a secret political agreement for the Union (official defense) and the Military Convention (22. IX / 612), signed in Sofia. The Contracting Parties have committed themselves to provide assistance with all available armed forces in case of one or both of them to be attacked by the Ottoman state, as well as in a systematic violation of the rights of Greek, ie the Bulgarian nationality. With the Military Convention, the Contracting Parties committed in the case of war Bulgaria to use at least 300,000 troops, and Greece with at least 120,000 troops; Military forces to be mobile and concentrated on the border prepared for military actions. Greece has yet committed its fleet to provide supremacy in the Aegean Sea and terminate Turkey’s naval connections with the European part, and Bulgaria is offensively acting with sufficient forces against the Ottoman forces in Macedonia, in the three Vilaetti (Kosovo, Bitola and Thessaloniki). In the event that Serbia participates in the war, Bulgaria, with all its forces, could act in Thrace. Parties signatories could not conclude a truce for more than 24 hours, nor to start negotiations for peace, without prior agreement and without written consent on the other side. For territorial issues, they did not reach agreement and left them to solve them. Lit.: Macedonia in bilateral and multilateral agreements in the Balkan states, Skopje, 2000; A. Shopov, call us the Balkan Vole. With the acquisition of the text of the Interest Contracts and Conventions with the South and Greece, Sofia, 1915. M. Min.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet