Brodsky, Joseph (Leningrad, 24. ⅴ 1940 – New York, 28. 1996) – Russian poet, Nobelovina. With poetry and translation deals since 1963. The same year he was charged with “parasitism”, and his verses were described as a mixture of decadence, pessimism, modernism and “purely snack”. Therefore, he was sentenced to five years of persecution and forced labor, and after a year he was pardoned. Then, in many countries, translations from his songs appeared, and the book songs and poems (1965) appeared in Russian. Then there is a station in the desert (1970). In 1976 in America, he published the book kind of speech. In 1987 he received the Nobel Prize, and in 1991 The Golden Wreath of the SVP. BIB.: End of the beautiful epoch, 1977; Urania, 1987, etc. The most famous essay book is less than one, 1986. Lit.: A. Popovski, a man who will not return to the venue of humiliation, “poetry,” SVP, Struga, 1991. P. Gil.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис БРОДСКИ, Јосиф