Brest. (Rod Ulmus L., Fam. Ulmaceau) – Rod with about 20 types, represented in the moderate belt of the northern hemisphere. Senior trees with egimmid and asymmetric leaves with a nasate edge, with a sloped base and a short stalk. Flowering early before prolimination, and the fruits are flattered, winged nuts, which ripel very early (April). They have quality wood, but massively suffer and dried from the attack on the GREG Graphium Ulmi (Dutch disease). In our country, they meet: a) Polish Brest (U. Minor Mille.) – Widespread through medium, South and Eastern Europe, to the east to Central Asia. In the Republic of Macedonia there is general prevalence, and it appears with two subspecies: U. m. SSP. Minor Janion of the lowlands and the farther forests, with smooth leaves and screens, and U. m. SSP. Tortuososa Yanje, hilly, with hairy leaves and scrollers; b) Mountain Brest (U. Montana News.) – The areal extends across Europe and Western Asia. In the Republic of Macedonia there is general prevalence in the mountainous region; c) embroidery (U. EFFASE NILD.) – The areal is in medium, eastern and southeastern Europe, so S “to the Caucasus. In the Republic of Macedonia is rare, the alluvial terrain. The flowers and the fruits are on gentle stems, and the wings with defaces. Al. And.
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