Bourdon Doublelays.

Bourdon Doublelays -. Two-scale singing as a basic form of sound shaping of a tune based on the immobile second voice. The Macedonian National Double, as the oldest form of multifold, contains a number of features. The beginnings of the Burdone way of singing in Macedonia are found in antiphon singing, in the zone of change and overlapping of the votes, when the singers of the first group end their singing on the last or second, that is, the third ton of behind. At that moment, the singers of the second group are beginning to sing, accepting the melorder of the first group. The group consists of three singers, one of them “leads”, “yelling”, “Uviku” – sing the melodic line from the first voice, and the other two “bust” – hold Borrdon (sing the melody of the second voice). R. C.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet

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