Boskovski, Peter T. (С. Opelciples, Krushevo, 9. 1936 – Skopje, 13. ⅶ 2006) – poet, novelist, essayist, criticism, drama author, translator, anthologist. He was an editor in the Macedonian Radio and the editor of the SP. “Previews”. His modern poetic sensitive deeply into the thought and meaning of individual and his rooting in collective memory. Part: Stevroshibitions: Suvorelica, SK., 1962; Bed of thorns, SK., 1970; Heavenly stone, SK., 1985; White wind, SK., 1991; The second eastern sin, SK., 1994; The door, SK., 2005; Critics and essays: Revision and criticism, SK., 1978; Critical turnout, SK., 1986; The preservation of criticism, SK., 2003; Romani: Black bull, SK., 1995; Nowhere, SK., 1996; Bats, SK., 1998; NBU at noon, SK., 2001; Drama: Alexander to the east, SK., 1994. V. Tot. Boskovski, Truck Gincv
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис БОШКОВСКИ, Петар Т