Boskovic, Djurge

Boskovic, Gjurgrade (Belgrade, 11. 1904 – Belgrade, 29. Xi 1990) – A historian of the art and architecture and archeologist, UNIV. Professor, MANA member outside the working composition (from 26. ⅻ 1974). He graduated from the Faculty of Technical Faculty (architectural department) in Belgrade (1928). First, Coustos of the Historical-Art Museum in Belgrade (1930-1934), and then transferred to work at the Technical Faculty. During the Second World War he was captured (1941), and later in Penal Camp (1943). He was elected Honorary Doctor of the University of Belgrade (1971) and member of Jesu (1976), chairman of the National Committee and Vice President of the International Committee on Slavic Archeology (UIAS), President of the National Committee and a member of the International Committee for Art History ( Cyha). He studied the material and spiritual culture of Macedonia, especially in the Middle Ages. He performed conservation work in Staro Nagorichane, Kumanovo. BIB .: Architecture Meeting, Belgrade, 1957 (ⅳ Sod. Lit.: A. Stojaksћ, -URI Boskoviuћ, “messenger societies Conservator Serbije”, 1, Belgrade, 1978, 7 & 8. S. Ml.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис БОШКОВИЌ, Ѓурѓе

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