Blazevska, Zorica (Skopje, 6. X 1948) – Architect. She graduated from the Faculty of Architectural Faculty in Skopje (1973). He is employed at the Faculty of Architecture in Skopje as an assistant and after the election of other teaching titles, he was elected full-time professor (2003) on the course designing residential and catering facilities. He received his doctorate at the Faculty of Architecture in Skopje (1991). Apart from pedagogical activity, it also deals with scientific research work, with architectural design and publicistics. Its design activity results in the realization of multiple individual family houses, and the share of anonymous architectural competitions is noticeable. BIB.: Socio-psychological views of residential environments in Skopje, Proceedings of the Faculty of Architecture, Skopje 1983; For the quality of housing in Skopje, the culture of space, “Sam 2”, Skopje 1984; Housing facility in the Third Life Age, Jubilee Collection “50 years of architectural faculty”, Skopje 1999; Development of the architectural typology of the low residential structure. International Conference “Status – need, opportunities and perspectives”; Proceedings, Ohrid, 1998. Cr. T. Katerina Blazevska
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