Blazevska, Katerina (Veles, 12. ⅶ 1967) – a journalist. After graduating from the Faculty of Interdisciplinary Studies in Journalism of UKIM in Skopje (1989) works as a journalist in the Macedonian Radio (1990-1997), a columnist in the weekly “today” (1997-1999) and editor of the political rubric of c. “Macedonia today” (1998- 1999); Editor-commentator (1999- 2003), deputy editor-in-chief (2003-2004), editor-in-chief (2004-2008) and editor-commentator in c. “Dnevnik” (since 2008). Bl. R.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис БЛАЖЕВСКА, Катерина