Bitola Vilayet.

Bitola Vilayet. (Tour. Manast> R Vilasetti, 1873-1912) – Administrative-territorial unit in the Ottoman Empire based in Bitola, established in 1873, with occasional territorial changes. Initially, it covered almost the entire Vardar part and the western territory of the Aegean part of Macedonia, entered the territory of Albania, and with a smaller part and in Greek territory. In 1875 In his composition, Sunjaki was entered: Bitola Sandzak with the Casses: Bitola, Korca, Prilep, Ohrid, Kostur, Kozani, Settlemena, Lerin, Serfidze, Kicevo and Colonja; Prizren Sandzak with the Casses: Prizren, Tetovo, Pristina, Gjakovo, Pec, Gnjilane, Vucitrn and Gustic; Skadar Sandzak with Cams: Shkodra, Podgorica, Tirana, Kavaia, Acce Hisar (Kruis) and Lesch; Skopje Sandzak with the Cars: Skopje, Kumanovo, Stip, Kriva Palanka, Radovis, Kocani and Kratovo, and the Debar Sandzak with the Casses: Upper Debar, Elbasan, Lower Debar and Mat. With the formation of the Skadar Vilaya (1876) of the Bitola Vilaya, the Sazar Sanjak was separated, and with the formation of the Kosovo Vilaya (1877), the Casty of Eastern Macedonia and Kosovo, who entered the newly formed Kosovo Vilet were deducted from the newly created Kosovo Vilet. Toward the end of ⅹⅰⅹ c. The vileater had between 800,000 and 900,000 inhabitants, and in 1908. That number grew to 1,000.576 inhabitants. It was extended to a territory of about 2 32,000 km. In the north bordered with the Kosovo vilayet, in the east and southeast with Thessaloniki Vilet, to the south with the Kingdom of Greece, the southeast with the Janina Vilaya and the west and northwest with the Skadar Vilet. At the head of the vila, Valia, with title Pasha, who was appointed with Sultan Irade. The vileater ceased to exist with the Serbian conquest of Bitola (November 1912). Lit.: Obast> R Vilasets Salami, Ikincinc DEA, Manast> R, Seen 1308; Monastery Villazettine Makrsus Sarami, Hands of DEA, Manast> R, Seen 1312; Ahmed Alicic, Decree O Organizations Villaya 1867 years, “Attachments for Oriental Filology”, ⅻ-ⅻ / 1962, no. 3, Oriental Institute of Sarajevo, Sarajevo, 1965; DEE Providence DES Osmanischen Reikchase Won Andreas Birken, NewsBaden, 1976; Mehmed Tevfik, Brief History Bitlian Vilaya. Translated Glisa Elezovic, “Brotherhood” Jjwi, 43, Belgrade, 1933. Dr. F.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
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