Beshy Tepe.

Besh Tepe (anche) (village Karbinci) – Microlocation of the ancient city of Bargala. It is located about 700 m Js and the village, on the right side of the Radan River. This Turkish toponym referred to high mounds, from which three were preserved today. In the Second World War (1941-1943), plaque with Latin inscription was found in five rows, which later published the Bulgarian archaeologist. Venadikov. In the content of the text, dated in 371, it is announced that in time of emperors Valence and Valentinian, on the orders of the manager Anthony Alipius, the population of Bargala raised Kapija. Lit.: Ivan Vennedikov, Bargala, Deposits and Studies 1, Sofia, 1948, 88. V. S. Bible (Scripture) – The first full of contemporary Macedonian translation (1991)

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис БЕШ ТЕПЕ

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