Bentomak – a Bentonite clay mine at Kriva Palanka. Under the name Bentomak, a company that in the 70s of the last century performed the exploitation of Benthnite clays in Slavic field. These are Rankovci, Ginovci and frozen as a Bentomak mine at Kriva Palanka. With the benthomak interrupts, the exploitation of fine dispersal bentonite clays of high quality is performed. The thickness of the sub-layer in Rankovci is 6 m, and in the final parts there is a leaflet bentonite with a thickness of 11 m. Lit.: S. Rakic, K. Petrovski, non-metal mineral resources in Macedonia, counseling in Ohrid, 1990; M. Stojanovic, deposits of non-metallic mineral raw materials in Macedonia. Skopje, 2005. T. Sir.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис БЕНТОМАК