Belogans, Ljubomir.

Belogian, Ljubomir (Delcevo, 15. 1911 – Skopje, 15. 1994) – Painter, university professor, the most famous Macedonian watercarist, the founder of the Macedonian modern art. He graduated from the Art School in Belgrade (1938). He is the founder of the Graphic Section in the School of Applied Arts in Skopje (1949). He was a full professor at the Faculty of Architecture in Skopje. In the Museum of Contemporary Art in Skopje, he had a great retrospective (1978). Worked Impressionist landscapes from Macedonia and the Adriatic coast (Veska, 1945; Bled, 1958; Pestin City 1, 1955). Lit.: Ljubica Damjanovska, Ljubomir Belogans, Skopje, 1978; Lazo Plovevski, Ljubomir Belogans, Skopje, 1991. S. AB.-

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис БЕЛОГАСКИ, Љубомир

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