Banashevic, Nikola (Zavala, Romaniist, Slavist, Comparatist, UNIV. Professor, a researcher of the Macedonian epic. For some time, he worked as a gymnasium professor in various cities, and then he received his doctorate on the topic “Ronsir Poetry School and the beginnings of the French classical tragedy” (Paris, 1923). Soon afterwards he was employed at the Faculty of Philosophy in Skopje (1924-1941). In the endeavor to study the ties of South Slavic literatures with the literary literary, special attention was paid to the Mark and Kosovo cycle of folk songs. He advocated the opinion that for These links were decisive contacts through the Adriatic coarse and made a comparative analysis of various motives in folk songs. Especially significant and its research on historical sources for the past of the Balkan peoples in the Middle Ages. BIB .: Expansive Moћ Frenzke, Skopje, 1924; Cycle Mark Kraljeva and Steps Franco-Tallanske Viteshke Knowings, Skopje Scientific Society, Skopje, 1935; Ostuals and Reason Kosovgog and Markogue Tsulation, Belgrade, 1936; Chronicles Popa Dukjjanina and People’s Predictions, Belgrade, 1971.Lith. 4, St. 2 (for 1945-55), Belgrade, 1959; Bibliography, “Analy Philonical Engineer”, Kne. 1 (for 1956-60) and 1966 (for 1961-65), Belgrade, 1961. S. Ml.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис БАНАШЕВИЌ, Никола