“Balkan Journal of Medical Genetics”. (“Balkan Journal of Medinzal Genetic”) – an international scientific journal that publishes original scientific and overviews and short announcements from all areas of human gentica: cytogenics, molecular genetics, clinical genetics, immunogenics, oncogenetics, pharmacogenics, populative genetics, genetic screenings and Diagnosis of monogenic and polygenic diseases, prenatal and reimplant genetic diagnosis, genetic consultations, therapy and prevention. The first number is printed in 1998 Main editors are Mr. D. Efremov and D. Toncheva, with an editorial board of 30 scientists from 19 countries. The publisher of the first numbers of the magazine was honey. f. In Sofia, and since 2000 is MANU. The magazine goes out twice ahead and it is indexed in Embasse (Tezer Medica Datebase), Elsevier Bioobase (Chrent Ajaresis Inn Biologic Resolution), Elsevier GeoBrastruct, SCOWS and CHECHIVY ABSTRACTS. The magazine is printed in English. Papers are peer reviewed by anonymous reviewers. The electronic version of the magazine is available on the website: HPP.BMG. EDM. D. EFT.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet