Balkan headquarters

Balkan headquarters (1943). The Delegate of the CPY Central Committee and the Supreme Headquarters, Svetozar Vukmanovic-pace, in the summer of 1943. Initiated the creation of Balkan headquarters for coordinating the actions of the People’s Liberation Anti-Fascist Movements of Yugoslavia, Greece, Bulgaria and Albania. Political co-operation was to be accomplished by popularizing the fight against the Balkan peoples for release and mutual assistance. Military co-operation was to be realized by establishing a unique command – supreme Balkan headquarters at the National Liberation Armies. Meetings were held by the representatives of the movements, which was initially agreed military and political cooperation. The Greek side did not accept the formation of a common Balkan headquarters, after which J. B. Tito in October 1943 stopped the action at the pace. Lit.: Svetozar Vukmanovic-pace, a revolution that flows, 1, Belgrade, 1971; The same, fight for the Balkans, Zagreb, 1981. M. MIH.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
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