Balaburo, Oliver.

Balaburo, Oliver (Skopje, 14. ⅵ 1969) – conductor. In 1995 he cordized the dirigtion of the Faculty of Music in Skopje (F. Muratovski). Since 1996, the conductor of the Opera and Balle of the Macedonian People’s Theater. He visited in Bulgaria, England, Serbia and Montenegro. The stage of the MNT has conducted the operas: Rigolo, Troubadour, Nabucco, To-Ska, Boemes, Aida and the Turand. He performed as a symphony conductor, performing more symphonic and vocal-instrumental works. Artistic director of the opera and ballet of MNT (2000-2002). In 2004 He leaves Canada, where he has been mastered on topics on performance and music and deals with conductor and pedagogical activity. F. M. Ballad – Lirical-epic song, mostly with dramatic elements and always with a tragic end. Therefore, among the people are called mutual, sanny, moles or sad songs. In the Proceedings of Miladinovci, a thematic group of 34 folk songs has title jelly tracks. Although their narrative character is obvious, which approaches the epic, the strong emotions of the heroes are striking, which uplots them to the lyric. In Macedonian poetry, this genre is present at Rajko Zinzifov, Marko Cepenkov, Grigor Prlicev, Trajko Kitancev and other poets. According to the content, in Macedonian folk poetry there is mythological, religious-legendary, family, historical, etc. Balads. In mythological ballads various mythological creatures (fairy, dragon, lamia, plague, etc.) are the reason for a multitude of human tragedies. In religious-legendary ballads is singing for various tragedies of this and the one world, the relations between the saints, for the victims, the sinful souls, etc. There are ballads that hang some historical figures from our past (Momcil Duke, Marko Kralah, Bolen Dojchin, Goce Delchev, etc.). Ballads with family content venture a multitude of relations between family members, mother-in-law, relations between the languages, etc. Lit.: Kiril Penakliski, Macedonian People’s Ballads, Skopje 1983; Fani Popova, Macedonian National Ballad, Skopje, 1990. M. Keith.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис БАЛАБУРСКИ, Оливер

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