Badev, Jorda (Bitola, 1888 – Sofia, 1944) – Bulgarian literary critic, stressed as an extreme spokesperson in the ranks of the numerous Macedonian emigration in Bulgaria, tied to Todor Aleksandrov and Ivan Mikhalov. During the Second World War, it is openly placed on the side of the fascist circles in Bulgaria. It fiercely attacks Venko Markovski on the pages of the Skopje Monkey “Macedonia” (1943). He was killed in Sofia from Bulgarian partisans immediately after September 9, 1944, without trial and judicial charge. Secondary education ended in Bitola, studied at the Sofia University and Switzerland (Lausanne). He was a teacher in Bitola and Sofia and Secretary of the National Theater in Sofia. He collaborated in the avant-garde literary SP. “Zelong” and mostly in the Sofia daily “Dawn”, the ownership of Danail Krapchev, also problashistically oriented. He was recently called “Gebelšovski apologize of great-based chauvinism and monarcho-fascism”. The term “Bade D. T. Nikola Badev.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис БАДЕВ, Јордан