Attitudes-Remen, Irena (Krakow, Poland, 1951) – Historian, director of the Institute of Political Studies and International Relations at the Jagelonian University. The contemporary history of the Balkan peoples and especially Germany’s policy towards the Balkans in the period between the two world wars; Researcher of the past of Macedonia and the Macedonian question, the aspirations of the neighboring countries and the politics of the great powers. Apart from several books, AV-TOR is also a few dozen articles, parts of monographs and other articles on certain topics of contemporary history of Macedonia and the Macedonian people. Head is the Commission for the latest history of Slavic peoples at the International Slavic Committee. Its extensive “history of Macedonia” (in Polish) is published in Macedonian. BIB. Historia Macdomonia, News-Narazza-Krakój, 2000; History of Macedonia, Skopje, 2002; Minorities in the Balkans in the ⅹⅹ century, Skopje 2004 (with co-author). S. Ml.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис СТАВОВИ-КАВКА, Ирена