Atanasovski, Moho (Skopje, 10. ⅳ 1934) – poet, drama author, writer for children and young, basical. He spent the working life as a journalist and editor in the Macedonian radio. Part: poichoshibitions: eyes and chills, SK., 1955; I’m never alone, SK., 1957; Spilling spring, SK., 1959; Pozoriki, SK., 1963; Beyond the river, SK., 1985; books for children: Marko Zomanico, SK., 1969; The house with the white scarf, SK., 1987; Tutuuter Bale, SK., 1994; The street with earrings Moho Atanasovski from Cherries, SK., 1995; Simsyle’s love life, SK., 1998; Evenings in Chordan, SK., 2000. V. Tot.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис АТАНАСОВСКИ, Михо