Atanasov-Ingeto, Ivan (village of Watrena, Demir Hisar, Sersko, OK. 1846 – p. Crvengle, Duplex, 11. ⅳ 1896) – Maleshevski Duke. He participated in the Russian-Ottoman war (1877/1878) as a volunteer in IX volunteer (Otressese) company. He actively participated in the Kresna Uprising (1878/1879) as a duke with the Need of the right bank of the Struma River, as a duke in the dismantling uprising, as well as in the Serbian-Bulgarian war (1885) in the units of the Bulgarian army. After 1895 He acted with the company in Maleshevo and Porola. Exhibit. Ilit.: CDA, F .: 173, OP. 6, a. is, 663, ll. 34-42; A. Trajanovski, new knowledge about the life and activity of Duke Ilio Markov-Maleshevski (1805-1898). CB: Ilio Markov-Maleshevski and his time, Berovo, 2002, 5-35. Al. TR.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис АТАНАСОВ-ИНЏЕТО, Иван