Apostolov, Ljuben Konstantinov

Apostolov, Ljuben Konstantinov (Kriva Palanka, 27. ⅳ 1895 – Kavadarci, 1945) – Colonel of the Bulgarian army. He was an officer of the first Macedonian infantry regiment (1914). As a commander of the 56th Veles Regiment (September 1942 – 1944), he is one of the direct culprits for the shooting of Vatech youth (16. 1943) and for other war crimes, which was arrested in Bulgaria (November 1944), brought in the DFM and sentenced to death. Disconnected by the Distressel Colonel Apostolov was brought before the National Court in Kavadarci and sentenced to death, “Newsletter”, ⅱ, 20, Kavadarci, 23. ⅰ 1945, 7-8; Tikvesh in New 1941-1945, book six, documents, KavadarciNegotino, 1984. Lit.: Tikvesh in New 1941-1945, book first – Fifth, KavadarciNegotino, 1984. S. Ml. Apostolov-Wendeto, Ivan

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис АПОСТОЛОВ, Љубен Константинов

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