Angelovski, Nikola

Angelovski, Nikola (Kole) (Skopje, 14. ⅲ 1943) – Drama and film actor and director. He graduated from the Storm Department at the Theater Academy in Belgrade. The Drama Theater is from 1968. It is highlighted with realizations in dramatic and film comedies, and fooled (Kole) Angelovski Seful interest shows for performing performances for children who have anthological significance. Significant roles: Sekula (“Jane Cooper”); Rugby (“flea in-ear”); Dopeski (“auditor”). Directions: “Thessaloniki Patdrives”; “Chiver, Chuk Stojance”; “Auditor”; “Bash Steel”; “Shakespeare in stories” and others. Roles in movies: “Sasha”; “By the victory and after it”; “Red Horse”; “Assembly Center”; “Macedonian bloody wedding”, etc. Director is the film “Father” (“We are Irina”) and the “weekend of dead”. R. ST. Petar Angelovski

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис АНГЕЛОВСКИ, Никола

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