Andonov, Dicho (village Lorica, Kostur, 1882 – p. Smrdesh, Kostur Region, 31. ⅴ 1903) – Kostur regional duke. He finished fifth class in the Bitola Exarchical High School, when he became a member of the MRO. Since 1901 is illegal, and since 1903 Designated for Reonity Duke. In familiar struggles in the locality of the locale and vignari (the end of the 19903), circumvented by the Ottoman army, so as not to fall alive in their hands, committed suicide. Lit.: A. Bliznakov, the epic of the loca and vignari, articles for Ilinden 1978, ⅰ¶, Krusevo, 1979; H. Sil®Onov, the eligible fighting for Macedonia, 1 (phototypic edition), Sophie®, 1982. Al. TR. Metodija Andonov-Cento Andonov-Cento, Metodija
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис АНДОНОВ, Дичо