Aleksoski, Blaze (Prilep, 1. ⅱ 1933) – Actor. Member of the National Theater from Prilep (1953-1992). He is the author of dramatic texts and popular historiographical books. He was and director of several performances. Roles: Moroe (Dundo Ma-Roe); LUKOV (blackness); Tarwald Hermer (Nora); Theodos (Storbjahodas). Directions: migrant workers; Antice; Mister dollar; We are angels; Suggested family; Runaway IDR. He is the author of the dramatic texts: Irman Pejo; Story of the midnight guest; Coloban; Costa Sarafte IDR. R. ST.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис АЛЕКСОСКИ, Блаже