Alchev, Petre (v. Rashen, Veles, 1880 – Veles, 21. Xi 1956) – carpenter, Social Democratic and Communist Deper. He was a member of the Workers’ Society “Class Unity” and one of the founders of the Veles Social Democratic Organization. As the bearer of the communist list of municipal elections (22. 1920), he became president of the “Red” Municipal Administration in Veles. He was one of the initiators for raising and associate in. “Socialist Dawn” in Skopje. Due to threats and illness, he resigned the presidency and politically passivated. (Jovce Djubunov was elected in his place. Actively assisted the NOB (1941-1944). S. Ml.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис АЛЧЕВ, Петре