Ajanovski-Father, Vangel

Ajanovski-Father, Vangel (Voden, 5. ⅱ 1909 – Skopje, 19. 1996) – a member of the Macedonian national movement (NOD) in the Aegean part of Macedonia. In the period between the two world wars he was a member of the CPG, in 1941. He was Secretary of the Royonal Committee of the CPG for Voden. In 1942 In Voden he founded and managed Mao. In 1945 In Voden, he founded and managed Tomo and Minister of the NOF District Committee for Vodensko. In 1946- 1949 He was organizational secretary of NOF Main Board for Aegean Macedonia. After 1949 He lived and worked in the NR Macedonia. He is the author of the labor “Aegean Storm” (1975). Lit.: Aegean Macedonia in NOB 1948, C, Skopje, 1981 (Reduction Ph.D. Kirjazovski and F. Butzkova-Martinova). ST. KIS.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис АЈАНОВСКИ-ОЧЕ, Вангел

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