Airports in the Republic of Macedonia

Airports in the Republic of Macedonia. In the Republic of Macedonia, international airports in Skopje (“Alexander the Great”) are functioning in Ohrid (“St. Paul”), the sports airports Stenkovec, Ageipe, Konjari, Logovards and Sushevo, the Agricultural Airports Pesorovo, Karato, City, Red Shorela , “Dame Gruev” and Logovard (with concrete PSP), Mezdra, Lacavica, ship, clachevci and vabacevo (grassy PSP), Petrovec, Ebeplija (Plachkovica), Ponikva, Galichnik and Jasenovo (expanding the road), as well as War airports in annual, Gorno Field, Vitolishte, Gutenovo, Eagle and Karatmanovo. Possible (registered) airports are in Strumica, Bitola, Ovce Pole, Domin Dol and Romanovce, and helicoms are Solunska head, Jarbino, Military Hospital in Skopje and all barracks of the ARM. C. ST.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet

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