
Agrindustry – Mutual connection of primary agricultural production and processing industry of agricultural products. Agricultural production (vegetable production and livestock production) is the basis for the development of several processing industries, which cost the so-called. Agrindustrial complex. These include: the food industry, the production of drinks, the production of feed and the tobacco and cigarette industry. These industries have a strong impact on the development of primary agricultural production. Historically, the food industry in Macedonia drags its roots before the Second World War, when most of the processing of agricultural products were carried out in the village households themselves. After the Second World War, these activities have successively undertaken newly built industrial facilities. Today the assortment of the food industry has about 120 products. In the production of beverages, before the Second World War, only the production of beer was inherently, while more recently, this industrial branch fully assumed the production of other types of alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages. The production of fierce alcoholic beverages of 5.090 HL during 1947. It grew at 10,548 HL 2005, while the production of beer, in the same period, grew from 50,000 HL to about 720,000 HL. Industrial production of feed There was no greater development tendency, which can not be said for the processing of tobacco. Before the Second World War, tobacco processing was carried out in industrial warehouses, as ordinary manipulation. After the Second World War, she was technologically perfected with full fermentation. The production of fermented tobacco has grown from 10,742 T during 1947, at 31,962 T 1983, for 2005. be reduced to 15,904 tonnes. Factory cigarette production before World War II did not have. The production of cigarettes of 890 million pieces during 1947. It grew at 14.030 million pieces in 1983, and in 2005 decreased to 5,793 million pieces. The Republic of Macedonia has a relatively large number of facilities for the processing industry. Most of them were built before the state’s independence and were basically intended for the former SFRY market. Most of them today exceed the domestic production of a raw base (oil, sugar, tobacco, etc.). After the independence of the earth, the narrowing of the market, the low investment activity and the high depreciation of the existing physical capital, contributed to further reduction of their utilization. Lit.: Strategy for the development of agriculture in the Republic of Macedonia until 2005, MANU, Skopje, 117-119; N. Uzunov, the economy of the Republic of Macedonia, 1945-1990, MANU, Skopje, 2001, 333-340; State Statistical Office, Statistical Annuals of the Republic of Macedonia, 1955-2006. D. E.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
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