Aerop ⅱ.

AEROP ⅱ. (ok. 396-393 BCE) – Macedonian king from the Argetadi dynasty. The first three years the airport “Alexander the Great”, Skopje rules as regent of the juvenile king Orest, the son of Perdicica ⅱ. In 394 PR. AD It opposes the Spartan Basilay Agis to pass with the military through the Macedonian territory. Lit.: Diodor SICULUS., 12 Wells., Loeb Chloskikal Library, Harvard Universitis Press, 1963; R. Iljovski, who and when ruled with Macedonia, Skopje, 2003. A. Shook.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис АЕРОП Ⅱ

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