Abbot, Spase

Abbot, Spase (Prilep, 50s of ⅹⅰⅹ c. – Ohrid, around the beginning of ⅹⅹ c.) – priest and revivalry. With his election as president of the Prilep church-school municipality (2 ⅳ 1884) was eliminated exarchical influence. He was the initiator for signing a petition from 26 Prilep Provenes, on behalf of 1,200 Prilep families, for rejecting the Bulgarian Exarchate and independence in the church municipality of Macedonian Orthodox society, with a request: “We want to have a Macedonian national school. Bibling We are not born Bulgarians, therefore we do not know our Bulgarian C (covering) municipality and their schools. For religious protection, we know the Pope, but without changes to the dogmas of the Orthodox Church “(2 ⅶ 1887). During his stay in Constantinople, he made contacts with the Serbian ideologue and diplomat Stojan Novakovic, Constantinople Patriarchate and the Supervisory Vicarus, with a request for recognition of the Macedonian church municipality in Prilep. But the request was acceptable only without the adjective Macedonian (1887), which he himself did not agree. At that stay in Constantinople, he also met with Metropolitan Theodosius Gologanov, he advised him to “communicate until the conditions for rebuilding the Ohrid Archbishopric, when all Macedonian dioceses, under the Macedonian name, will be glorious from other religious-national propaganda in Macedonia” . According to the joint later assessment, such conditions were created for several years, but their action for exercising that plan was hampered by the intervention of the Serbian consul in Skopje V. Karic and the ban from the Ottoman authorities. But in such conditions, he continued to collect signatures from the Pelagonija and the Ohrid diocese for the high port (17. 1891). Lit.: Macedonian nineteenth century 1800 & 1902, Skopje, 2007, 206, 224 & 227 and 254. S. Ml.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ИГУМЕНОВ, Спасе

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