Bogomili – supporters of the Bogomil movement, followers of Pop Bogomil. They learned that there are two God, of whom the Lord is the creator of the spiritual, and the devil of the material world. The Christian Church regarded the devil’s work and rejected church cults and rituals. They only acknowledged the prayer “Father our”. They did not accept priests as intermediaries between God and believers, preached disobedience to the emperor and the nobles. They learned that in life it should be modest and moderate. There were three categories of Bogomili: perfect, believers and listeners. They were united in municipalities, whose head stood “Santa” (“Dedec”). The sources are also known as: Babunas, Rounders, Pataren, Catari, Waldenses, etc. From the Christian church were declared heretics and were persecuted. Lit.: D. Overlinks, TePhe Bogomils. A cold in Balkans neo-manitzhaeism, Tsamridge, 1948; D. Dragoljћ, Bogomism of Balkan and J Maloy Asiai, and: Bogomille Rodors, Belgrade, 1974, ⅱ: Bogomy of Orthodox uncomfortable, Belgrade, 1982; B. Prompt, Bulgarians. Book for Pop Bogomil and its subsequent, Sofia, 1970. K. Ag.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис БОГОМИЛИ